Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday 09.12.2012

Wow--what a wonderful experience in St. Louis, MO!!!

So much energy, so many ideas, so many different "obstacles" to reach to goal of being designated a "Baby Friendly" facility. As one of approximately 30 facilities that participated in this particular Learning Session, (the other 60 facilities had already done theirs; we were the third group), we were presented with lots of information and lots of ammunition to attack the challenges. And I traveled with 7 others; wonderful women all, and the best co-workers. Thank you God for keeping us safe on our journey.

Home now, decompressing. My ears don't fly well and they are sore. Motrin will be my friend for a few days. Happily, though, the antibiotic I've been taking for the mouth infection is working, and that pain/ache/pressure/discomfort is mostly gone. I've got a few more days of pills yet, and I'm hoping that will be enough.

Tomorrow I hope to exercise, and I'll review the materials from the conference.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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