Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday 11.23.2010

Can you believe November is almost over, and the year is almost over, too?? It is so weird how the perception of time changes with age.

Dan and I went to the Grand Rapids area today. Following his appointment, we went to visit his friends that he's known since boyhood. They were neighbors and walked to school together. It was fun to see the two of them together. One of their sons walked over with their first grandchild, and their granddog. They are surely blessed. I enjoyed our visit. Thank you for your hospitality, John and Judy.

The drive over was very windy, and Dan had to "fight" to maintain control of the vehicle. But it was a much better drive home. We stopped in Lansing to eat.

The rest of the evening was quiet, catching up on phone calls and email.

I've felt pretty good today, with the same aches and discomforts. Ahh, Life. Thank you, God.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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