Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday 11.04.2010

I woke this morning feeling much better. I knew that Daniel had gotten up for work, but didn't hear him leave.

I putzed around the house, put my suitcase together in case I can go up north tonight, and collected odds and ends to take, throughout the day. I went to Meijer for a few groceries, stopped at the library, got home and put supper together.

We ate when Dan got home, and when I called the Juror Hotline, there were "no jurors needed" and our service has been completed, thank you very much. Yahoo, and Yahoo. I'm glad to be done with that.

After cleaning the kitchen and packing the cooler, Dan helped carry things down to the car, and I was on the road about 6:20 or so.

It was an odd drive; going through Lansing (on the expressway) two firetrucks came up from behind us, lights and sirens on. We all moved over and stopped. Of course they are slower and we stayed behind them, and they went into the turnaround thing and went back the other way. Then, on 33, an ambulance was coming southbound and we had to pull over again.

I got to the JC about 9 o'clock. 38 degrees, breezy, and a glint of snow flurries. The rabbit and opossum were up by the corner of the house by the rose bush. Both scampered off as pulled in. I didn't know 'possums could move quickly.

I got the heaters on, and it's warming up in here. KS is supposed to be joining me tomorrow.

I've felt better today, heart rate wise. I've still had occasional irregularities, but not as much as yesterday. I didn't take a Femara again today. Maybe by tomorrow the heart rate will have straightened out. Then I'll try that Femara again to see if that is the cause.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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