Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday 8.19.2008

I woke this morning looking at the tonal colors of the sunrise on the horizon, over the treeline on the far side of the lake. Mostly cloudy, windy, and maybe 50 degrees. I watched the sky for a bit, and when I looked again, it was full daylight, still windy, and 9:30!! Whoa!! I didn't realize I had slept that long. I watched the lake some more until biology intervened.

I got up, got myself ready for the day. It wasn't looking real good out there, wind-wise. The thermometer on the tree showed 60 degrees. Hm.

I putzed around, sorting out some items in the bathroom/linen closet. Made the bed, collected my things in the bedroom (I was leaving later this afternoon). Still windy. Hm. I'm hungry. It's now about 11:15. I'd better eat.

I got my breakfast ready, and my phone rang. My brother Tom, asking why I didn't answer the back door. Now, mind you, the kitchen is in the back of the house, and I had the back door open (the wind was from the front of the house, so it was nice in the back), and then I heard them giggling. Good grief. Tom and Bruce were walking up to the house.

They came in, laughing like kids. It was fun, just us sibs. We bantered and visited while I ate my breakfast. They left a little before noon, as Allison and family were expected to arrive soon.

After they left, I looked out the window. I saw people over at the Goodwin Cottage. They're Heeerrrre!!! Cool.

I finished up, gathered the camera, water bottle, and pan of rhubarb pinwheels and headed out. Hey, that sun is warm. I went back in and put my shorts in the bag with the other items. I walked over the the Goodwin's.

Woo Hoo!! I was excited to see Allison, meet her husband Tim. I've met their 13 year old daughter Milana several years ago, and have never met the other dauther Sophia, 6 years old. They also had Kim's daughter Jasmine with them. Milana and Jasmine are like velcro, like twins across the universe, like maternal twins from different mothers. They finish each other's sentences, say the same things/words at the same time, and are amazingly beautiful young women. Sophia is just as beautiful; cheerful and intelligent.

We hugged and laughed and visited. They were soon ready for lunch, so we enjoyed ourselves around the picnic table. After lunch, Tom and I walked over to get his fishing boat at his in-laws, then motored over to the Jacque Cabin to get the paddle boat. I paddled back over to the Goodwin Cottage. The girls were just getting in the lake, swimming, as the clouds had blown away. There was still a cool wind, though. Tom took some people out in his boat while Bruce "stepped the mast" on the sunfish sailboat. He gave rides to Sophia, Milana, and then to me. The two teenagers went out in the paddleboat after a bit--the wind was finally slowing some--Sophia ended up sleeping on the couch the remainder of the afternoon. We adults enjoyed just being at the lake. The photos are here, and also on the left hand column.

After a while, it was time to wind things up. Tim waved the girls in from the lake, we gathered our belongings. Sophia woke up. We lingered over good-byes. Hugs and smiles.

I paddled the paddleboat back, and Tom was going to take his boat back over to the in-laws, then bring the rest of my things over in the van and help me get the paddleboat out of the water and turned over.

I finished packing, loaded the car, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom sink, stool, and floor, and waited. Tom and Bruce finally pulled up about 7. They jumped out, put my things where they belonged, went down and pulled the paddleboat the rest of the way up and turned it over, and they were on their way. Thanks guys.

One more walk around, checking locks and windows, and I was on my way. 7:30 pm.

An uneventful drive home, Thank You God, and I got home about 10:15. Daniel was waiting for me, helped me unload, we visited, and before long, it was midnight. Off to bed. I work in the morning.

I really enjoyed my day. I've seen people I love, met people I love, and am so full of the awareness of life. Thank you, God, for letting us share this time together.

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