Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday 8.28.2008

Daniel went off to his golf game, I went back to sleep, waking about 0845. I did look at the weather channel before he left; it was 79 degrees at 0700.

I got myself ready for the day and went for breakfast. There was another single woman seated at the table next to me. She made a "small talk" comment--it turns out her man was golfing, also. We chatted for a few minutes, then went our separate ways.

Back at the room, I went out on the balcony for a bit, listened to the end of a book on cd. I came back in to cool down. I looked at stuff online, just passing time.

After a while, I was restless, so I put on my bathing suit and shorts, hat and sunglasses, and went for a walk on the beach, letting the waves splash on my feet and legs. I don't know how far I went, but I was surprised when I got back to the room that I had been out for an hour. I took a cool shower to cool down, and to get the salt water and sand off of my legs.

I had some fruit, tylenol and motrin, and Daniel called, saying he was on his way back.

We decided to "eat in" tonight, having food that we had brought, and leftovers from the last couple of nights. That worked well. We decided to pack the things we weren't going to use, and load that stuff into the car. I'm going to take him to the golf course in the morning and come back to the room until noon, then go back to the course. I don't really want to hang out at the golf course for the several hours that he'll be doing whatever he's doing, and that's the solution we came up with.

We went over to the Convention Center this evening for the closing of the competition. Daniel picked up the score sheet for his flight--he tied 80th out of the 94 in his group. Not so good, but not so bad, either. The point is that he had fun, and it's all a learning process. Tomorrow's game is a different event, with maybe 150 participants.

Back at the hotel, we settled in. He watched the golf channel (can you have too much golf??) and I wrote here.

Tomorrow we leave here, and head to Bluffton, SC to visit Jennifer and Jasmine. (Jeremy is in Germany on a job assignment.) We'll spend the night there, then head north on Saturday.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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