Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday 6.25.2008

Boy, do I feel better today. I don't think I realized how yucky I felt last night until I got up today and realized how much better I felt. I finally rolled out of bed sometime around 0915.

It was a couple of hours, though, before the slog cleared from my brain. I breakfasted, and Daniel and Breon had started a grocery list. I looked it over, went through the sale paper, checked the cupboards, and added to the list. Breon needed some addresses for her invites, and I got those for her, then Dan and I went grocering.

We were successful in our quest, returning home with the prizes. After putting them in their temporary resting places, I was surprised to find that it was after 4 o'clock. Daniel made his lunch and ate while I went upstairs to see if Breon needed any help. She was just about done, but I did help her double check for some addresses, and put return address labels on the rest of what she was doing. She did a real nice job with her creations.

I realized I was hungry, so I fixed my food and ate.

The rest of my evening has been here, trying to catch up on the picture postings over on the picture blog. ( ) Remember, those are breast pictures, so if you don't want to look, don't go.

I also posted the pictures of the radiation center. They are here, in May, but you can click on and go to that entry.

Other than that, not much else. My breast is sore and itchy, the areola is almost done flaking/peeling and looking much better. Tylenol and motrin settle it down surprisingly well.

Tomorrow I don't have many plans. Hmm....

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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