Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday March 9, 2008

Day 12, Treatment #3

How nice to have the house quiet! Don't get me wrong--I love my Dear Husband Daniel, and miss him when he's off on an outing somewhere--but I do enjoy the stillness.

I woke, and got up, because it's an hour later that what we think, thanks to "springing ahead". I wandered around, fed myself, and wondered what to do next.

I'm kind of tired, I realize. I suck down some water, put a load in the washer, and putz around in general. Check the computer, get in the shower.

I laid down and rested for a bit, then got up and made more food and ate, then headed to Jackson. Got Mom fed and tucked in; my wonderful son Frank came over to the home to visit us.

Back home, it was time to eat again. I did that, got veggies cleaned and food organized for the next couple of days, as I work Monday and Tuesday. Daniel called again; they have arrived in Santee, and all is well. I checked email, wrote here, and I'm off to bed.

Thanks for reading. Hugs.


  1. hey there ~

    The Oliver house was hit with the flu...noone escaped...but now that we are thoroughly disinfected we are once again sending you anti-nausea vibes, vibrant healing light & strong energies. I felt this third treatment would be a doozy for you...yikes - you're doing a great job hanging in there. Thank you for continuing to write & share thru it all. Enjoy the stillness and the healing that lives in the quiet moments.

    Much love ~

  2. Hi Sis,
    Glad to hear you are feeling some what normal again. Enjoy your peace and quiet while you can and get all the rest your body needs. Let the strength given by everyone who loves you fight off the bad cells. You are WINNING! ! !!
    Love Ya,
    Tom and Kathy Sue

  3. Hi! Like Kim, our house has been infested with viruses, sinus infections, bronchitis, and other yucky stuff, but we're better now, whew. Sounds like you've finally gotten through this treatments after effects. Good for you! I had no doubts! ONE MORE TO GO!! What an inspiration you are to all of us. Enjoy your stillness and quiet. Love you, Cari
