Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday 11.27.2007

Today was a nondescript sort of day. We were just kind of together, Dan and me.

I emptied another 20 ml of yellow-orange fluid from the JP drain this morning. My breast is still swollen, sore, tender, itchy. I think the itch is the fullness in the areola. Of course it's full--I was adding it up. That left breast was infiltrated with 9 ml of fluid on Wednesday, the day of the biopsy. Two weeks later, Friday, surgery, it was infiltrated with another 8 ml of fluid for the needle localization, then the 6 ml injected into the areola, then during surgery Dr. Sanchez injected I-don't-know-how-much of the dye in there, too. So at least 14 ml needs to be absorbed from Friday plus whatever was leftover from the biopsy. Without the aid of the lymph nodes in the armpit.

My left hand feels slightly full, and occasionally the skin itches as well. The armpit itches at the margins of the numbness. That's a strange feeling, being numb in the pit. Well, the front half of the pit. The numbness comes down the inside of arm, too, with the diameter of the numb area maybe 6 or 7 inches. The incision is numb. I guess that's a blessing. Will the numbness resolve?? I guess time will tell. Sometimes it's hard to be patient. Sometimes it's hard not to be scared.

Thank you all for reading, and for your wonderful support. Your feedback, comments, emails, phone calls are treasures. I value each of you.

Much love, Kathy


  1. Aunt Kathy,

    I remember being young and you graduating from nursing school. I remember you raising Frank alone. I remember you telling me to get my s***t together and assuring me I could "do this" while they loaded a 10 day old Chelsea onto a helicopter to be flown to Ann Arbor. I remember many times like these where I admired your strength, your faith and your determination to do what needed to be done.
    None of these memories, however, can compare to how much I love, respect and admire you now, how proud I am to be your niece.
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your posts inspire me, and at times even make me chuckle!
    We are so thankful things are going as well as they are so far. I send you healing energy and happy, comforting thoughts.
    We love you! Cari, Doug, Drew, Chelsea, Douglas, Aaron, Jacob and Heaven

  2. Hi Kathy,

    We are checking to see if the comment section works for us.

    We think of you constantly and pray that things go well.

    Polly and Jim
