Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday 01.24.2016

Another great day!!

I was just having breakfast when Frank wanted to know if I'd like to go to Detroit to the Auto Show.

Hmm, Sure!!!

His friend was driving, and they came to pick me up.  We stopped down in Adrian to pick up the guy's girlfriend, and we were on our way.

Found parking and walked a few blocks over to the Cobo Center.

Lots of people, lots of lights, lots of sounds.  Lots of cars.  I enjoyed looking at the vehicles.  We had a good time.

After, we went downtown to Pegasus for food, which was delicious. There were also ice sculptures downtown, corner street musicians, with a festival flavor. Kind of neat!

A safe drive home, thank you God, and a quiet rest of the evening.

Tomorrow is a work day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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