Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday 10.25.2014

The morning was almost gloomy--a hazy gray that lingered until noonish.

The wind picked up, the sky cleared within a half hour it seemed, and it was clear blue sky for the rest of the day!!


I went out for a walk, then to the store for the elusive sale items.  They weren't stocked (or out of stock)--I didn't ask and didn't get a rain check.

My foot feels like leftover inflammation in there. And I noticed that I'm stepping differently on the foot. I've taken 2 small doses of ibuprofen today with some comfort, and massaged it again as Leah has shown me. Sure hope it resolves. Not really interested in the $$ outlay for a diagnosis.  I'll keep taking care of it. It's only been 5 months, and most stories I've heard from folks say it's taken about a year for their injury to heal. Tick tock.

Tomorrow I need to do food prep for my work food.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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