Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday 07.28.2014

Woke to another windy morning, temp maybe 60??  And overcast. Certainly not conducive to boating.

Which was kind of a good thing.

I got packed up to leave, had breakfast, and cleaned up/packed up the kitchen things I had brought. Then I went over to the cottage.

I offered to take who ever might want to go out for a ride--tube or boat, whichever. No takers.

T & KS stopped over.  We visited a short bit and they left.

I finished up the trailer, loaded the van, and was able to leave a little after 1.

I stopped at the Care Home to see U. Carl. He was much better today. He laughed and joked at me a little, and then he decided it was time for his afternoon nap.  That worked well. I took him back to his room and waited for "the girls" to come and tend to him.  I thought it was a good visit.

An uneventful ride home, thank you God, and I arrived about 5:30.

Unloaded, mostly unpacked. Fixed something to eat, cleaned the kitchen, enjoyed a shower, and got turned around to go to work in the morning.

I guess that means that vacation is officially over.


But it was a good one.

Thanks again to all who shared it with me.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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