Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday 04.02.2014

So happy the weather has changed....

Got up about 0930. Waited a little until it warmed up a little more, then went out for a run.

The sun was delightfully warm. The people in the few cars I encountered all waved first.  (I heard a safety tip a long time ago when encountering vehicles:  raise your arm and catch the driver's eye. That way you know they see you.)  As I was looking down to watch my step, when I looked back up to wave, they were already waving. Some were smiling!!  Yup, I do believe the better weather is the factor!!

I stopped to talk with the owner of the dog that had followed me around last fall. "Sassy" has gotten big. Evidently she was an older puppy when she followed me. She recognized me, wagging her tail wildly, but was very well behaved and only rubbed her face on my hands. A lot. She ran around the yard and brought me a toy, rubbed her head on me, and went back to playing. The owner closed the gate while I went on my way.

As I got to the end of the street, there was an old guy on a ladder, doing roof repairs to a very old structure, that I've often wondered if it was a chicken coop.  I stopped and said hi, introduced myself, and "Ernie" told me a little about the building. He currently uses it as a "honey house", where he extracts honey from the combs of the 115 hives of bees he keeps.  Wow!!  And he told me that this hard winter, with the extended deep freeze, has killed a lot of the bees. He has 25 hives living this spring.

He went on to tell me that an older fellow had stopped about 15 years ago and was taking pictures of the building. That the guy was 75 years old, and had been born in there!!  Wow, again!!!   We talked about the neighborhood a little, and then I was on my way.

Breakfast, shower, and it was so nice outdoors that I couldn't stay inside.

I went out and visited the speed boat, swept out the dead flies in there. All looks good in there.

Curious to see what might be coming up in the yard, I got the leaf rake and uncovered the peonies and the rhubarb. Yup, the red shoots are coming up.

I ended up being out for about 3 hours, trimming, raking, picking up tree debris.

Supper and a quiet night.

Tired tonight.

Tomorrow is a meeting.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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