Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday 09.04.2013

I had a nice day today.

Took the collection for the Education Council in--the Educator (really her title) liked the items and thinks they will go well with other items in the baskets we raffle.

Had a light lunch, then went to Leah's for a massage. And it was much needed. She did a great job, as always.

Back at home I fixed supper and ate, cleaned the kitchen, and had a quiet night.

I also enjoyed watching the birds in the bird bath. There were several playing in there--3 and 4 at a time--flying around, down to the ground, up to the tree branches, back on and in the bath. I saw them for about a half hour--cheap entertainment. And while I was looking, a chipmunk scampered over to the tomato plants, reached up and chose a red one, put it in it's mouth, and scampered back to it's hole. Ha!!! Who knew?!

Tomorrow is another great day.....

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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