Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday 06.21.2013 Summer Solstice

Yay for Summer Solstice!!  When the weather gets warmer and the days start getting shorter again...... not so geeked about the shorter days.......

Slept like I usually do--interrupted--but didn't have to get up at 0430. I rolled out sometime after 8.

Went out for a run, stopped at 3 garage sales along the way.

Breakfast, shower, bike ride.

Potted the hen-n-chicks that I brought back from the JC. Kind of closes the circle--they came from the yard on Stillwell, which is just a mile from here.

Supper, read a little while outdoors, got chased inside by the bugs. Don't like them bugs.

Tomorrow I hope to do some trimming in the yard.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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