Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday 04.16.2013 A Day Off??

Slept ok, the usual interruptions, woke to the birds welcoming the new day.

I was awake, maybe going to doze again, when the phone rang. "Could be busy later. Could you be on-call if we need you....??"    I thought about it for a moment.  Sure, but I don't want to work all day.

I got up and had breakfast, as it was drizzly outside and didn't want to run in it.  (I know, Party Pooper)  My shoulders and lower back were sore and achey. I stretched a little, which helped, but took tylenol and motrin and rested.

The phone rang again mid-morning. We'll need you about 1. Ok?  Ok.....

I got dressed and did a couple small tasks that needed done. And before I knew it, it was time to go. Huh.

We had a great afternoon with the best co-workers. Busy, but good.

Then back at home.

Still just a hint of low back discomfort. And still roaring white noise in my ears.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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