Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday 07.22.2012

What a great day!!!

Other that being really hot, and really humid...

We started out with sun and had a quiet morning. It was about noon when we got the boat out--I water skied, and Tom did, too. Yippee!!

No tubing for the kids, as the storm clouds were gathering.

We did get intermittent rain, intermittent thunder, and a flash of lightening or two over several hours this afternoon.

The Oliver's drove over to visit their sister et al; we all had a nice time at the GC. After Amber and crew left for home, the remainders were at the JC for a couple hours, and we ended up migrating indoors to the a/c. All guests were gone by 7:30 pm.

A quiet night--so quiet it's creepy. Temperature is still 80 degrees and humidity is still high. Yup--summer.

Tomorrow I hope it dries out so that I can get the stain on the back deck. It's my last week to get my projects done...

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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