Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday 10.14.2009

I feel like I didn't sleep much last night. I got up when the radio came on at 0430. Dan got up at 0500. We went our separate ways into the dark morning.

I had a safe drive to Jackson, thank you God, avoiding the many clumps of fur that could almost form a rug on the highway. The shuttle was in the parking lot and delivered us to the front door of the hospital.

We had a good day with a good group. The hospital has implemented a guideline for staff, that if anyone has symptoms of the flu, don't come to work, and if you have a fever along with it, you are automatically off work for 7 days. Period. One of our staff is off, with Monday being Day 7, and another was sniffling, coughing, and sneezing today, saying she still doesn't have a fever. Great. We encouraged her to go home, but she didn't. That irks me. I hope she is either better tomorrow or stays home. Or someone higher up sends her home. Geesh.

After work I went to the Okemos Branch of the library where one of the computer guys had a workshop for downloading the eBooks. I went to one before, but have been unable to complete the download process, with a message box appearing. I've followed the directions, and Dan doesn't know what to do either. So this guy, Eric, goes through the steps (on my laptop) and was also unable to solve that particular problem. We did get the second of two programs downloaded and functional, so I did make progress. Very convenient to download audiobooks without physically going to the library.

I got home about 9:20. Dan was up, but tired. We chatted briefly but he was dozing off in the chair. He finally went to bed about a half hour later.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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