Saturday, April 2, 2016

Saturday 04.02.2016

What a great day!

Moving in the snow - - such fun!

Frank's friend, Maureen, is truly awesome.  The three of us moved my bed, a great start on the garages, and the majority of the rest of the kitchen.

After packing and loading the second load  (M can put more in a vehicle than I can, and I can do pretty good), we called for take-out food. By the time I got over to the house, they had her truck unloaded and put away in the garage!

I set up a folding table and chairs, and we enjoyed our first meal in the new house. It's beginning to feel like home.

M put her snow-soaked jacket in the dryer, I had another one for her, Frank had brought his laundry (lol), and we got the van unloaded in what seemed just a few minutes.

They went on their way; I spent the next 3 hours or so putting the kitchen together, the refrigerator and freezer things away, and putting bedding on. Whew, that was one awesome day!

I felt much better today, just a little sinus swelling. That was sure strange stuff yesterday.

Tomorrow is mandatory extra hours in the afternoon.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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