Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday 11.24.2013

Hoo Boy it was cold today!

12 degrees this morning. The clear skies, and the sun warmed up all the way to 24 degrees. I bundled up and went out for a walk.

With the wind, it "felt like" 14, according to the weather app. And I agree--that wind was bitter.  I did pretty good with the outdoor garb; the areas on my face that weren't covered were prickly cold. The clouds moved in while I was out, so it felt even colder.

But I had a nice walk. And saw 7 or 8 wild turkeys in a yard, feeding and making their turkey noises. They were still there when I passed by on the return trip. Pretty neat.

I made a pot of chili and portioned it out for lunches. Yum!

And a quiet rest of the day.

Tomorrow I'm scheduled to work.

Jeremy sent a text that they arrived home about 0800 this morning. That's a long drive.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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