Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday 10.10.2011

Another workday.

I got up and left for work, seeing a large, dark deer cross the highway just in front of me. It was off the road when I passed it, but it turned it's head and I saw the reflection in it's eyes. I'm glad I didn't hit it--it was a big 'un.

We were busy today. I didn't hardly look out the windows to see what the weather was. When I went out to the car this evening, it was really nice. I heard it had been really nice all day...

On the way home, there was another deer in the road, this time in pieces. I saw the back half of it first on the left side of the road, then several yards away was the head and front leg. Ick. I watched for more animals moving, hoping to see none.

I made it home safely.

Dan was home. We had a nice evening together. I started the laundry and we caught up.

Tomorrow is a workday for me.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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