Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday 07.17.2011

Whew, it's hot. And at the lake, too. Reminds me of the "sticky" nights in the GC trying to go to sleep....

We had a good day today.

I raked up a few twigs first thing, before I got too hot. I painted the metal outdoor chairs and floated around on the water for a while. Frank got a layer of grime off of the grill, and also dragged the bedsprings around the bottom of the lake.

After supper, we went out in the rowboat, him rowing. It was just a wee bit cooler out on the water--maybe mid-80's. We went all the way down to the sand bar. Since the sun has set, what little breeze there was has stopped, and it's still low 80's here. And I'm sitting out in the bug-free zone watching the night.


Tomorrow we have to get groceries and go to the post office.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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