Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday 06.30.2011

I slept pretty good, at two-hour-intervals. I was surprised when the phone woke me at 0930.

I got up and breakfasted, got things together to take to Jackson. Dan had gone through his (large) assortment of golf clothes--shirts, shorts, and slacks--and I took them to a consignment shop. We'll see if they sell.

From there, I went to pick up Sandy and Allison and took them to Bob Evans. We had a good meal before going over to Loomis Park. We all liked the play structure, and Sandy recognized Jim's name on the "who did what/contributors" sign.

I took them back home and went to the hospital for a meeting, which was very good.

A safe drive home, thank you God.

Dan was home, having been to the doctor. Bronchitis, which the doctor thinks is viral, so no antibiotics, but he did give Daniel some medication to help the airways.

We had a quiet evening at home, which was nice.

Neither one of us works tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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