Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday 06.25.2011

I had a good day today.

Rested fairly well during the night.

Although I had considered jogging before going to Springport, I didn't. I finished putting the pasta salad together (which was really good, if I do say so myself) and checked email and such before leaving.

A quick stop at the post office for Daniel, and I enjoyed a "top-down" ride through the countryside. Dan's daughter Kim lives about 40-50 minutes away, a totally rural experience.

They had a good turnout with excellent weather for a graduation open house. Although I only knew a few people, I enjoyed myself.

I spent some time in the kitchen washing the dishes that had accumulated throughout the afternoon, then visited a little more before leaving about 8 o'clock.

A safe drive home, thank you God, and a quiet rest of the evening.

Tomorrow I'll exercise (jog), and see what the day brings.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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