Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday 06.11.2011

I heard some light piano music this morning, wondering where that was coming from. Oh. The alarm. Time to get up.

A safe drive to Jackson; the deer was on the other side of the fence, but close to it. It raised it's head as I went by. And further on down, one was casually walking across the southbound lanes. It made it to the median, then spurted across the northbound lanes. The northbound driver had slowed, and everyone continued on their way.

When I got to work, it was my turn to float. Again.

I ended up "sitting", one-to-one with a 96 year old man who was mostly with it. He slept most of the day, as he had been awake and "busy" during the night. When he was awake, though, he was able to converse, and was reading all the things that were posted on the wall.

I was relieved after 8 hours and went back to my home unit. Nobody else wanted to go home, so I did.

And when I got here, I ended up taking a nap, sleeping for an hour and a half! I was surprised.

The rest of the evening was quiet.

Tomorrow is a workday, though I'm hoping to leave early, to go back up to the lake.

And other than being tired, I'm ok.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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