Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday 02.23.2011 Mass-ahh-ge

I had a good day today. After Daniel went to work I dozed off and on, getting up before 9. Breakfast, shower, fooled around with the internet connection on my computer. I couldn't get our "home" connection to work, but was able to jump on to someone else's nearby. Before long, it was time to go to Leah's for my appointment.

She did a marvelous job, as always, but today was exceptionally good. She worked on my arm/shoulder/chest/back and moved that lymph fluid. So much that I had to urinate twice before I left. We made more appointments, and I put them right into my new phone's calendar app. She was intrigued with my "smart phone" and asked questions. I was glad to show her what I knew about it, and how I'm using it so far. Most people I know have had a smart phone for a while, so they are the ones showing me. It really is a neat product.

On the way home I went by the post office to pick up a package for Dan, and more stamps.

I enjoyed my supper, tried to get on our own internet again, (unsuccessfully), and waited for Dan to get home. He tried, too, but fell asleep during the process. I guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

My whole body feels better with that lymph fluid having been moved. Thank you God for putting Leah in my life.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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