Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday 02.07.2010

I woke this morning with my arm/shoulder/clavicle aching more than the usual discomfort. I don't know if the position was awkward or something during the night, but this wasn't going to be an acceptable discomfort. I took the time, an hour, and did what self-massage I could to reduce some of the lymph fluid that had backed up.

For what I could reach, I did a pretty good job. It's kind of like frosting only the side of the cake you can see, or only washing the driver's side of the car because that's the side you see most often... Sure would be much better if I could have a "real" treatment. I'm about ready to schedule with Ike again.

I got up and breakfasted, and drank a bunch of water to help rinse that stuff away. I made good progress on getting ready to go to South Carolina on Tuesday--gathered coolers, maps, made a somewhat healthy finger food, packed mostly, and made a few phone calls. By the time Daniel got home I had laundry done and supper about ready.

We ate and visited. He read a little and worked on his computer, and when he came downstairs to listen to a lecture, of course he fell asleep right away. I woke him at 8 PM to go to bed.

I half watched/half listened/half ignored the Superbowl game this evening. While I love to watch pro football, the Superbowl seems to be such a tightly executed hour that it's almost not pleasurable to watch. I did try to look at some of the commercials, though. They were ok; I wasn't too impressed with any of the few that I saw.

I'm scheduled to work tomorrow, and so is Dan. I'll be finishing packing and stuff tomorrow night so as to get a decent start Tuesday morning. Of course, the weather is the big variable. Time will tell.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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