Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday 01.28.2010

I took tylenol and motrin before going to bed, hoping to sleep better. Maybe just a little bit. I still woke, though, every couple of hours. I had dozed off again when the radio came on.

I got up and got ready for work. Dan got up a short while after me and got ready, also. We left and headed to our respective jobs.

I parked, the shuttle came, and picked us up.

We had a good day today. Busy, but good. Unfortunately I had not gotten someone to work/cover for me so that I could attend a meeting, and was too busy to leave for the two hours. The day was finally over, night shift came in, and we were able to leave.

I stopped at the Goodwill store on the way out of town, browsing around. I was looking for some type of thermos for hot beverages, but didn't find what I wanted. I did find a collection of piano music that was $1.99 and picked it up. I haven't looked at it much more than to see that there is at least one piece labeled "Duet".

I had a safe drive home, thank You Lord. It's 10 degrees out there. Frank and Dan were working with that computer again. They say they've made progress...

Dan has gone to bed long ago, I wrote here, and Frank is still doing computer stuff.

Tomorrow is a workday for both Dan and I. Frank is still on a layoff.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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