Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday 01.07.2010

I thought I slept pretty good overall, waking every couple hours or so like I do. I guess what makes it "pretty good" is that I didn't lay awake forever, waiting for the night to pass. I was sleeping when the alarm came on.

I got up and ready for work; Dan, too.

A safe drive down, thank you God, and the shuttle was waiting in the lot. Woo Hoo!!

We had a busy day today--my orientee was in classroom this morning but joined us about 11:30, which was helpful. The afternoon was "a good learning opportunity". Geesh.

It was finally time to leave. It had been snowing most of the day, and there was about 4-5 inches covering my car. It took me several minutes to get it cleaned off to drive 30+ miles home. And I did part of the car next to me. (something I like to do. What a nice surprise to come out of a long day of work and find your car cleaned off) She arrived when I had just started, and was surprised and thankful, as she couldn't locate her snow brush/scraper.

I had a safe drive home, thanks again, which wasn't near as bad as some of the trips I had made to Jackson to help Elaine.

Dan was up, but he didn't stay up long, as it was nearly 9 pm when I got home. We visited a little before he turned in.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to Long Lake. I'll check the weather before heading north.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Going to the Lake? Enjoy your time there. It will be beautiful up there with all the snow.

    Love ya, KS xo
