Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday 01.03.2010

I slept well this morning; I kind of heard Daniel getting up and gone. When I woke the sun was shining in between the slats of the blinds. Ahhh. I stretched and got up.

I enjoyed breakfast and was just getting to the fresh brew when the phone rang. My co-worker, who had gone in to work this morning. After talking with her, I'm going to split the shift with her and go in at 12:30. I lingered over my coffee before getting ready to go.

A safe drive down, (in the sun!) thank you God.

The unit was busy. I came in as it was starting to settle down, with another girl who had been called in. We took the new patients, helped the others catch up, the girl I split with was finally able to leave. The rest of the afternoon was steady but nice.

A safe drive home, thanks again. Daniel had gone to a birthday gathering for Breon. He had left a bouquet of flowers and a card for me for our anniversary (4 years already!).

He got home shortly after 9, we visited for a short bit, and he has gone to bed.

Dan works tomorrow; I have breast MRI tomorrow morning.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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