Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday 06.07.2009

I slept fair, a short night. I could have easily gone back to sleep this morning...but I got up instead and got ready for work.

A good drive down; at one point on the highway, near Leslie, the road goes downhill then uphill, kind of like a huge U shape. As it was daylight now, I could see that up there in the road there were... animals? crossing the road. Deer. Two crossed from the southbound shoulder into the median and across the northbound lanes and off the shoulder again. And one came from the northbound shoulder, across the highway, median, and northbound lanes, and off the shoulder. Of course I slowed down, and by the time I got there they were not to be seen. There were no other vehicles on that stretch this morning.

We had a great workday today. Good co-workers, good patients.

On the way home, in the same area, another deer crossed the highway. There was one other vehicle way ahead of me who didn't seem to slow down (although from where I was it seemed that you could have seen the creature) and I thought there would be a collision. Nope. The vehicle swerved and the deer kept sauntering on it's way, into the median then across the southbound lanes. Kind of creepy.

I made it home without incident, thank you God. Dan and I visited a bit, I wrote here, and I'm about ready for bed.

Tomorrow morning is massage. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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