Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday 6.30.2008

Well, I worked today. Boy, did we. Deb W. and I, on West. We are a strong team, and got through a challenging day. Thank-yous go to Kim M. who came over in the afternoon, and Beth who finally stepped in and got orders taken care of. Deb was glad to be done, and so was I.

I called the therapy place to schedule another lymph treatment. Ike called me back and said she had discharged me, and that it's a "chronic condition", and unless I have a major flare up, I don't need to come in. Hm. I told her I needed to pick up my disc of the MRI of the shoulder, and I'm going to stop by tomorrow to pick it up.

I wanted an appointment because that breast is full and swollen, with both of the incisions "dimpling". My shoulder aches--not horrible, but annoying--and I know that if that fluid could be moved away I'd be more comfortable. And my hand tingles a little. I'm disappointed that she feels that monthly treatments are not an option. I think that I would benefit. And, yes, I told her that.

Anyway, I got home ok. Daniel was home, frustrated that he didn't play well today. Tomorrow's another day...

I took pictures tonight of my hair. I'll try to get them posted tomorrow. Still itching and peeling.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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