Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday 05.06.2016

Another great day!

Sunshine and mid-50's this morning.

I was (finally) able to go out for a run.  Pleasantly surprised that the route I chose was barely traveled; a mile down and back, with only a handful of cars.

Breakfast, and a migraine attack.  Yikes!!  It surprised me, no "warning" aura. I found and took some medicine and proceeded to take a warm shower. The major spasm pain went away, but the right side of my head and neck have been uncomfortably sore all day.  Probably should have had tylenol and motrin at some point. Maybe at bedtime.

I went out for errands, enjoyed being outdoors for a bit.

Spent some time on the computer registering for the IBCLC Exam. That test will be in October. International Board Certified Lactation Counselor. Pretty excited to be able to test.

Tomorrow Frank is going to work on my car. Control arms or something. And I scheduled an alignment for Monday.

And major Congrats to the Owner and President of Newold, for her milestone reached. You rock, Amber. Change the world!

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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