Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday 04.17.2015

Ohmygosh, what a beautiful day today!!

Temps reached mid 70's--with a light breeze and clouds moving through. The sun was gloriously warm.  Almost too warm.  But after the cold winter....

Frank came over before going to work. He used the ladder and cleared the foliage that had grown onto, and weighed down, the wires from the pole to the house. We think they are probably cable and or television wires, as the electricity comes in on the other side of the house. I picked up the brush and added it to the growing pile in the back yard, that I've asked the landlord to come pick up. It's way too much too burn.

He left, and I went to get a few groceries.

Fixed supper, ate, showered, and had a quiet night.

Tomorrow is a work day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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