Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday 01.11.2015

Another great day!

Surprised that, after looking at the clock somewhere around 0700, that the next time I woke, it was 9:34!!  Wow!!  I SLEPT, and I feel rested!!  Praise the Lord!

So I got up, washed up, dressed. Text message asking me to Skype.  Sure!!

I got a cuppa joe and answered the computer.

Jeremy, Jenny, and Matilda, with an occasional walk-through by Lola the dog. So cool to be able to see and watch, as well as talk with, people via internet.

Breakfast, shower.

Frank was here for a bit, too, this afternoon.

Temps finally broke 32 degrees, and have some dry pavement showing.

At least, there was.

We had snow again tonight.


Tomorrow is a workday.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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