Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday 06.10.2010

Another beautiful day at The Lake!!

Didn't sleep real well. Good thing I didn't have to do much but enjoy the location!

I did work on an electronic resume with VG, who provided excellent input and assistance.  Thanks, VG!

I went for a walk--more like a hobble, with the uneven ground--thankful it was cool enough and just breezy enough to keep the mosquitoes at bay.  Thought I'd get the vacuum and clean up the "edges".  First off, it was heavy, and that means the bag is full. Hmm.  Found the new bag and installed it and the new filter.  Okay!!

Turn it on, and there's no suction. Hmm. I fooled around with it, and maybe it's the condition of the hose, but the suction was enough to pick up the dead ladybugs and not much more.  With that discovery, I decided to not put any more energy into it, and I'll bring my shop vac next trip.  Not sure if it was a user malfunction or a product malfunction....

I enjoyed the evening on the swing watching the sky turn a brilliant "sky blue pink", then a strong pink, then bright orange, then becoming duller orange with the purple background closing in.  Breathtaking as those colors filled the sky, reflected off of the water, and seemed to saturate the air around me.  God does some fantastic stuff!!

Tomorrow I need to leave.  *sigh*

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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