Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday 11.29.2011

What a day!

I slept pretty good last night, thank you God. I enjoyed breakfast and a lovely shower, then went over to the storage unit, taking over the autumn decor and bringing back the Christmas stuff.

The rain turned to sleet, with the icy pellets blowing against the windows. The older I get the more I don't like storms. I called Daniel and we talked for a bit.

I also tried to keep busy--cleaned the foyer and the stairs, emptied, cleaned and reassembled the china cabinet. Set up the tree, but haven't decorated it yet. I did get the wreath on the door.

A bite to eat, another couple of phone calls, and the snow is about 2 inches all over everything. It's wet, so it's sticking to the branches and such. Beautiful.

Tomorrow is more of today--finish the decorating, maybe go back to the storage unit.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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