Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday 03.26.2011

I slept pretty good during the night. This morning, the sun was shining, illuminating the ice covered pussy-willow buds outside the window. Yes, that plant is that big that the tips of the branches are beside the balcony.

As I looked in the mirror, my left eye is better this morning. Maybe a hint of pink, still no drainage or discomfort.

A beautiful, though still cold at 31 degrees, drive to Jackson for a haircut. Then over to Frank's to spend time with him. We did the "drive-bys" on a few more houses, finding one that might be "it". He's the one who has to act, though. I'm just guiding.

To my pleasant surprise, Dan came home tonight, as he's working 12 hours both Sunday and Monday, then 8 hours again the rest of the week. So, the laundry is done, and he's got fresh shirts to take back. I also fixed some food for him to take.

This evening, my eye has gotten red again, though maybe not as much as yesterday. It feels a bit swollen, too. No irritation, itching, or drainage. Odd, it is.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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