Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday 09.07.2010

I didn't like being awake during the night. I found myself trying to listen to "outside" noises, and having to conscientiously (there's a scrabble word) tell myself that it was just kids, and probably won't happen again. I'm surprised at how that incident altered my awareness.

The alarm came on for me to go to work. Hm. Been a long time--since the first week of July--that I've worked a "regular" schedule. And now, I'm "back at it".

A safe drive down in the dark, thank you God, and I parked and shuttled over to the hospital.

We had a good day, with a good crew, and we were busy.

One of the awarenesses I had was the dietary/meals/eating thing. I had breakfast at 0515. I finally had an opportunity to have the grapefruit I had brought with me about 10 o' clock. That didn't last very long, and around 12:30 I went to the cafeteria and had a small piece of pizza. We were busy on the floor, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to eat if I went back upstairs, so I stayed in the cafe and ate there, within 10 minutes. Ugh.

And I was right. Back on the floor I jumped right back into what I had been doing.

At 3 PM we had to open the overflow unit, cuz we had had so many babies that we had done flowed over. And I was told that I would be going over there with another nurse. So, I switched gears and got a new set of patients.

Which was really ok. We're all there to do what needs to be done.

We had a good rest of the day, though I had been summoned back to the original wing a couple times to do what needed to be done.

It was finally time to home. The night shift came in, I clocked out, and ate my supper that I had gotten down in the cafeteria. I ended up leaving the hospital about 7:30. As I was walking across the road, a car stopped in the sidestreet to say hi to me. It was a former co-worker. She took me over to my car, and we visited a bit and made a lunch date. Looking forward to spending some time with her.

I got home almost 9 pm. Dan came in not too long after. He took over my computer and started doing updates and scans and stuff to remove a pesky virus, and I had to wait to use it.

I'm tired tonight. My wrist got sore because I didn't get my afternoon motrin in a timely manner. The breast incisions are still a bit itchy, too.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us. It's quite windy outdoors, and you know that I don't like the wind.

Anyway, thank you for reading. Hugs.

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