Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday 09.19.2010

When I first saw the lake this morning, it was "steaming"--I thought at first that it was a gloomy heavy overcast gray. But the sky was clear with the sun just coming up. I heard the ducks and the loons and went back to sleep, waking again about 9, and it was bright sunshine out there. Woo Hoo!!

I ended up taking a lovely paddleboat ride out into the eurasion milfoil, that's not laying on the surface of the lake any more. It's probably "seasonal", as most plants die back. Let's hope that the weevils have done a super job and are making their way to shore to overwinter for next season.

I got myself ready to go home, and checked the chipmunk bucket one last time. Hey, I got one! And as I was going into the garage, there was another one by the garage door. So when I go up again I'll put the bucket out again, and hope to catch that one. That makes a total of 16, just around the house.

The weather was a beautiful 65 degrees; I really hated to leave. But I did, about 6:30, and had a safe drive home, thank you God.

Daniel helped me carry things in, and we visited a bit before he went off to bed.

Tomorrow is a work day for both of us.

I've felt pretty good today, other than my wrist making itself known. I could have added tylenol for increased comfort today.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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