Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday 08.16.2009

Tossing and turning, hot, cooled off, cold, comfortable, hot again. I saw another survivor's blog entry--she's three years since diagnosis, two years on meds, and still not sleeping. And trying to keep her weight under control, too. While it was timely for me to come across that entry, I hope I see one that after 5 years on meds and 6 months off of them, better sleep happens as well as returning to normal weight. Again, I'm thankful to be alive and disease free.

I did 3 loads of laundry today, cleaned my vanity area, kitchen again, had a nice shower. I went to the library, and the nice library lady told me my card had expired a few days ago, so I got that renewed, too. Daniel came home shortly after I had gotten back.

We visited a bit, he was settling down , and the doorbell rang. Frank!! He stopped in for a short visit. Since none of us had eaten yet, we went out to Bob Evans.

Frank left when we got back. I deadheaded the outdoor plants and watered them. Daniel drifted off to bed.

Tomorrow is a work day for me, and I'll be turning in soon, too.

My breast is full and sore, and I'm still not sure about my ears. I think they might be a little better.

It's 81 degrees here at 10:30 pm. I'm extremely thankful for air conditioning.

And I thank you for reading. Hugs.

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