Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday 08.03.2009 Mortality

I woke about 2:30 this morning. You know the kind of waking up when you remember something and your eyes pop open?? I was thinking about going to work and realized I hadn't washed my scrubs for work. I quietly got up, gathered the clothing, started the washer, and went back to bed. I can put them into the dryer when I get up. I went back to sleep.

0430. Ugh. Out of bed. Oh yeah, put the clothes in the dryer. So I did.

Breakfast, and Daniel was up, too. The lighter weight clothes were dry, and before I left the rest of them were, too. Off we go.

A safe drive down in the still-mostly-dark morning, thank you God. The shuttle was there when I pulled in and drove us over.

We had a very good day on the "overflow" unit. Our patients all left by 3 pm, and so did the other nurse that I was working with and myself. I was happy to leave early. I got home and realized I was tired--I was surprised that I slept just over an hour this afternoon.

Daniel got home after 5. We visited a bit, and when he was in the shower I checked email.

My cousin passed this afternoon of brain cancer. 57 years old. Master of music, could make many different instruments sing, as well as record and produce and teach. He was also a pioneer in Audio Forensics. I have only seen a good side to him. I'll miss him. What a gift he was.

The funeral will be Friday in Colorado. I'd like to go, and could, but really don't want to travel by myself. Anyone want to go with me??

I went to Meijer to get a few things and came back. Daniel was playing with the ringtones on his phone and had also started a load of whites. I had a bite to eat and wrote here. He's drifted off to bed now and the white clothes are finishing drying.

Tomorrow is a workday, and I want to go up to the lake tomorrow night. It will be a long day, but I much prefer to wake up there as opposed to getting up and driving the next day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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