Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday 03.08.2017

Another great day!

Woke this morning, cracked an eye to check the clock.  0630. Maybe I can get another sleep cycle...

Ring ring.

Calling for help, can you come in??


I know how busy we've been, and how one more staff can make a much better day.  And if I said "no",  I'd think about them all day....

I got up and ready to go.  Helped where I could, and got back home about noon.

Changed clothes and went over to my therapy appointment.

My hip had spasmed a couple hours after getting to work this morning, causing nausea and giant ICK feeling. I would have taken something if staying for the whole day, but chose not to, as I was going to therapy.

Robin worked on it, and got the lower back/sacrum back into place. The spasm had eased (from the major discomfort of earlier). Her treatment wasn't as uncomfortable as previous treatments, which helped reinforce that the exercises I've been doing really is helping. She often says that "it didn't get that way overnight...".   It needs to quit bothering me.

Rested when I got home. Had great ideas of going back out for errands, but didn't get there. Fixed food, ate, and did some computer stuff.

Tomorrow is a meeting.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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