Monday, February 8, 2016

Wednesday 02.08.2016

Another great day!

I was slow to get going this morning. In fact, I was surprised that I had a little snooze before breakfast!

Mid-afternoon temperature showed 42 degrees outside my back door. I went out for a run. There was an occasional light wind that almost felt icy, but I enjoyed being out anyway.  So much so, that the sun was peeking out when I got back, and I sat out in the rays for a short while before going in.

I putzed around on the computer, not resolving the "No Audio Output Device is installed" message that shows after an automatic update happened. I also lost the printer ability.  Three hours later, following directions, the only accomplishment was the confirmation that updates annoy me. I think the next step is to contact Microsoft.

Supper, shower, and another nap. Another surprise.

A quiet evening, a nice phone call with a friend.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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