Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday 07.09.2015

So glad I'm feeling better.

The snot has stopped dripping constantly; still dripping though on occasion.

Coughing spells that have my eyes watering, both from the prolonged cough and the sharp pain it causes in my throat.

But sometimes stuff comes up.

It looks like disintegrating cardboard--kind of yellow/green/brown. Extremely disgusting, and extremely thankful that I got antibiotics Tuesday morning.  Can't imagine how sick I would have been had I not jumped on treatment.

And of course my diaphragm is sore from coughing.

I had a little more energy today--Frank had arranged for the van to be worked on (the brakes were acting up), and he picked me up to retrieve the vehicle. While I was out I made a couple of brief stops and took care of those errands.

Back at home I fixed some food, ate, and tried to stay awake.

After a while, I got the kitchen cleaned up, and had a quiet evening.

Hoping to feel even better tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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