Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday 04.26.2015

Had a great day today!!

Stripped my bed, laundered, out on the clothesline to blow and dry and smell wonderful!!

Fixed a salad, put the bed back together, vacuumed throughout.

Frank wants to know:  want to go walk the trails in Chelsea?

Sure....I took my salad and ate on the way.

So we (he, a friend, her daughter, and I) go out to the Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center and walk a few miles through the woods.

So Beautiful.

The birds were noisy, the temperature just cool enough, the sun warm enough, and the wind enough to keep the bugs away.

We had a good time.

Back at home, I had a quiet rest of the night.

Tomorrow is a work day--and the Baby Friendly Surveyors will be there!

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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