Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday 04.24.2015

Had a pretty fun afternoon/evening.

Surprised that it was after 9:30 this morning the last time I woke up.

I got up and drank some water, and had a quiet morning.

Wasn't needed for the "mandatory" extra hours, and that freed me to go to the Milan Dragway with Frank and several others.

It was exciting to see Frank on the track. It's a straight track, and each run was timed and recorded, first on the 1/4 mile distance, then the 1/8 mile distance.  He wasn't the fastest, and certainly not the slowest.

Our group of 13 went out for a bite to eat afterwards. They are a nice group of people.

Tomorrow I need to run up to the hospital for a few minutes, as well as a couple other errands.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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