Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday 02.25.2015

I slept pretty hard last night. Woke only a couple of times, and in the morning it was actually daylight!  I snoozed again for another half hour or so before getting up.

I realized that I didn't feel very good, but couldn't put my finger on it.

After a while, I had breakfast, then took a shower.

I was realizing that it was a migraine.

I hoped it would just "go away"--but of course, it didn't.

Tylenol and motrin, and I went in for the meeting.

Which had lots of discussion as we try to pinpoint where the weaknesses are, and what to do/how to build them up.

Ended up being an hour longer than scheduled.

I stopped at the store on the way home.

A quiet night, feeling like a "migraine hangover". Kind of woozy head with numb right side of face. *sigh*  It resolves eventually...

Tomorrow is another meeting.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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