Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday 11.29.2014

Another great day!

Sun came out and melted the driveway, along with temperature in the low 40's.

I got the plastic on the five windows in the back room. After three were done, it started warming up in there. And I remembered:  there is now insulation in the walls. Seems to make a difference....

Frank was here this afternoon, too. After he left, I received a call asking to come help him. His car popped a fuse a quit. He wasn't far away. I collected him and took him to the auto parts store, back to the car, and he was on his way.  A little while later he called again. Now it's very dark out there.

We went to the parts store again, but this time it didn't start up. He called a friend who came with a tow strap, and took the car back home. The guys played with it for a few minutes (this guy is a mechanic by trade) and came up with a possible/probable diagnosis for Frank to work on tomorrow.

I brought Frank back to the house with me so he could get the Mustang, which we had under the carport for the winter. It just doesn't "go" in the snow. But there's no snow right now....

A quiet rest of the night.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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