Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday 08.23.2014

Was a beautiful day at the lake!!

Cool 60's in the morning while I got the trailer packed up. "Broke camp" is what it felt like.  By the time I loaded the van I had changed into tank top and skort and was sweating in the lovely hot sun.

Got everything done (I think). Just as I was going to lock up, a car pulled up. A surprise visit from KS' parents! Just a short stop--enough for a hug and a good to see you. Glad they stopped by.

Locked up and on the road at 1400.  A smidgen later than intended, but I didn't have a time frame.

Stopped at the Care Home in Rose City to see U. Carl. He was on the bed resting, but not asleep. He looked good, and was chatty. I didn't stay long.

On the road, uneventful, other than a couple areas of brake lights and slow downs, one of them being several miles of just about idle speed. Yup, just moving along. Better than being stopped.

Finally made it home about 7. 

Unloaded, mostly unpacked. A couple of kitchen chores for the week, and the central air is feeling pretty good. 

Tomorrow I'll clean the hull of the boat, and do a load or two of laundry. Maybe get a few groceries, too....

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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