Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday 07.15.2014

Had a great day today.

Rained all night and most of the day.  Sometimes heavy.  And the bucket got wet. You know, the bucket under the roof leak?  Yup. It's coming through the ceiling.

So glad the job is contracted to be done soon.

I went out this afternoon to visit U. Carl at The Home.  He was sleeping, but roused a little when the Aide was talking to me.  I leaned over and spoke to him. He smiled when I told him my name. He didn't stay awake long.

I went on my way, stopping at a few stores in Rose City. Found a couple things I had been looking for, and didn't find a couple things.

The rain clouds were moving out, turning into intermittent showers. I had supper over in the Palace (cottage) and took care of the water in the bucket.

A quiet evening.  Other than the loons. They sure have been noisy when the rain stops.

I'm looking forward to family coming tomorrow. It's predicted to be cool, but dry. And Thursday will be warmer.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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